Pasta Production Business in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report
Pasta manufacturing in Nigeria has evolved over the years, emerging as a significant sector in the country’s food processing industry. While pasta was initially introduced to Nigeria through European influence in the mid-20th century, local production began in the 1970s with the aim of reducing reliance on imports. Today, pasta has become a staple food, […]
Instant Noodles Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report
In the fast-paced world we live in today, convenience often takes precedence over tradition in our daily lives. One culinary innovation that epitomizes this convenience is the ubiquitous instant noodle. Instant noodles have evolved from humble beginnings into a global phenomenon, revolutionizing the way people eat and perceive food. The story of instant noodles begins […]
Mango Juice Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Fresh fruit juice is one of the chief sources of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), required for the proper functioning of body’s inter cellular materials. It prevents some diseases from occurring. Deficiency of vitamin C leads to scurvy (bleeding of teeth gums) and failure of the body to form corrective tissue fibres.
Raw Cashew Nut Supply To Local Industries In Nigeria: The Feasibility Report
Cashew is the common name for a tropical and subtropical evergreen tree, Anacardium occidentale L., in the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae.
Cassava Noodles Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
The main ingredients used in dried noodles are usually wheat flour, palm oil, and salt. Common ingredients in the flavoring powder are salt, monosodium glutamate, seasoning, and sugar.
Sachet Water (Pure Water) Production In Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Water is one of the most essential commodities for the survival of all lives. Sachet water is consumed on daily basis by all and sundry irrespective of age, social class or religion.
Ginger is well known in many human communities around the world. It is the underground rhizome of a perennial tropical crop called Ginger plant (Zingiberofficinale).
Originally, the plant is a native of South Eastern Asia but over centuries has been introduced to various parts of the world like the Caribbean, the Americas and Africa. Presently, the top growers of the crop includes Jamaica, Indonesia, Fiji etc
Onion Paste / Powder Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Onion powder is used chiefly as a constituent in various food products i.e. this is sold to manufacturing concerns as a industrial raw material, hotels, restaurants, caterers and domestic consumption. Onion powder has also good export market. Therefore, has a very good scope for new entrants.
Iru Production From Locust Beans; The Feasibility.
Fermented seeds (‘soumbala’, ‘dawadawa’, ‘netetu’) serve primarily as a condiment for seasoning sauces and soups.
Catfish Farming, Processing (Smoking) and Packaging in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
The capacity of the proposed farm is thirty-six thousand (36,000) juveniles per production cycle of about five- six months to reach 1.5 kg table size with mortality rate of two percent (2%). After smoking we expect the weight to be around one (1) kg or more. The farm would have two production cycle in a year. The production capacity of the kiln would be three hundred (300) kg per day and it would operate at 80% of the installed capacity.
Palm Oil Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Palm oil forms an important part of the local diet in Nigeria because animal fats such as milk and butter are hardly consumed. It is used both as a cooking material and as an ingredient in soups, sauces and a variety of local dishes.
Sorghum Flour Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is a cultivated tropical cereal grass. It is generally, although not universally, considered to have first been domesticated in North Africa, possibly in the Nile or Ethiopian regions as recently as 1000 BC1. The cultivation of sorghum played a crucial role in the spread of the Bantu (black) group of people across sub-Saharan Africa.
Plantain Flour Production In Nigeria,The Feasibility Report.
Plantain flour apart from been used as a substitute for garri especially for diabetic patients , also serve as a raw material used in the production of cakes,puff-puff,biscuit ,bread and pan cakes.
Feasibility Report On The Export Of Raw Crayfish From Nigeria
The demand for African foodstuffs in Europe and America is rising due to increasing number of Africans, particularly Nigerians who sojourn to these countries for the proverbial greener pastures.
The return on investment on the export of raw crayfish is estimated between 10%- 15% per transaction.
Mechanized Castor Cultivation and Oil Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Castor oil, produced from castor beans, has long been considered to be of important commercial value primarily for the manufacturing of soaps, lubricants, and coatings, among others. Castor oil has long been used commercially as a highly renewable resource for the chemical industry.