Barite Ore Mining And Milling In Nigeria, The Feasibility Report.
The Nigeria nation is blessed with abundant mineral resources; fossil fuels and solid minerals. The most popular being the fossil fuels since these constitute the nation’s greatest foreign exchange earner. They have, therefore, tended to overshadow the solid mineral sector of mining industry.
Egg Powder Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Egg powder is produced from raw eggs by dehydrating or spray drying methods. Spray drying is a method to produce a dry powder egg by treating it with hot gas rapidly.
Standard Small Scale Concrete Block Production In Nigeria; The Feasibility Report
Arguably one of the best investment vehicle in the world is real estate development owning to a number of factors which includes the fact that shelter {housing} is one of the basic need of man, fixed supply of land and the ever increasing value of properties with time.
Nigeria with her current population estimated at over one hundred and sixty five million {165,000,000} growing at a rate of 3.5% per annum has a short fall in the supply of housing units that has been estimated to be between 16 – 17 million.
Columbite Ore Milling And Export In Nigeria, The Feasibility Report.
Nigeria is blessed with abundant mineral resources, which are from time immemorial formed the backbone of the nation’s economic and industrial development aspirations. Prior to independence, the nation’s mineral raw material resources contributed immensely to the export earnings of the nation.
Plantain Cultivation and Sales in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
The size and locations of the farm is one hundred and ten (110) hectares of land located in Ogun State. One hundred (100) hectares would be used for the farm while the remaining ten (10) hectares would be used for the construction of the office, warehouse and other civil works.
Mechanized Soya Bean Cultivation and Full Fat Soya Production; The Feasibility Report.
Soybean prior to oil extraction is referred to as Full Fat Soybean. Full Fat Soybean meal is an adequately heat processed whole soybean. It contains complete amount of oil and protein naturally present in soybeans. They valued as a good poultry feed ingredient owing to its high oil (18%) and protein (38%) content.
Full fat soybean meal is different from regular Soybean Meal in that it has a full fat complement. Full fat Soybean has not been solvent extracted and it is often used as an energy source or for general balancing of the formula.
How To Make Huge Profit Supplying Cotton Lints To Local Industries In Nigeria
Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a boll, or protective capsule, around the seeds of cotton plants of the genus Gossypium. The fiber is almost pure cellulose. Under natural conditions, the cotton bolls will tend to increase the dispersion of the seeds.
Establishing a Coconut Plantation in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Nigeria currently can only boast of 265,000 metric tonnes of coconut production in 18th position of the world coconut production country index, a country that is bestowed with arable rain forest zone fertile for a crop that is non-indigenous to it. Thus, the nation can compete favorably in an increasing market.
Onion Paste / Powder Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Onion powder is used chiefly as a constituent in various food products i.e. this is sold to manufacturing concerns as a industrial raw material, hotels, restaurants, caterers and domestic consumption. Onion powder has also good export market. Therefore, has a very good scope for new entrants.
Iru Production From Locust Beans; The Feasibility.
Fermented seeds (‘soumbala’, ‘dawadawa’, ‘netetu’) serve primarily as a condiment for seasoning sauces and soups.
Gypsum Board Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
The growth and demand for gypsum board in this sector has been further strengthened by the boom in the Nigerian real estate sector, which is growing faster than the average GDP at a rate of 8.7 percent (GDP growth at 7.4 percent). The growth in the hospitality industry and the advent of new malls, commercial complexes and multiplexes also lend support to the growth prospects of this industry.
Interlocking Paving Block Production In Nigeria; The Feasibility Report
Interlocking Paving blocks are precast solid products made out of cement concrete. The product is made in various sizes and shapes viz. rectangular, square and round blocks of different dimensions with designs for interlocking of adjacent tiles blocks. The raw materials required for manufacture of the product are portland cement and aggregates which are available locally in every part of the country.
Lead Ore Export In Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
The mining industry is easily recognized as one of the most valuable sectors of an industrialized economy because its linkage to other sectors of development and its enormous capacity to support and simulate growth in virtually all sectors of the economy.
Cassava Tuber Cultivation And Cassava Starch Production In Nigeria, The Feasibility Report
Cassava is the most important root crop in Nigeria. Apart from being a staple crop in both rural and urban household’s cassava is a major source of income to cassava farmers and processors in the rural areas.
Catfish Farming, Processing (Smoking) and Packaging in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
The capacity of the proposed farm is thirty-six thousand (36,000) juveniles per production cycle of about five- six months to reach 1.5 kg table size with mortality rate of two percent (2%). After smoking we expect the weight to be around one (1) kg or more. The farm would have two production cycle in a year. The production capacity of the kiln would be three hundred (300) kg per day and it would operate at 80% of the installed capacity.
Waste (Trash) Bag Production In Nigeria; (From 50% Virgin Material And 50% Secondary Recycled Material); The Feasibility Report
Proper management of solid waste is critical to the health and well-being of urban residents. In Lagos metropolis, like most cities in the developing world, several tons of municipal solid waste is left uncollected on the streets each day, clogging drains, creating feeding ground for pests that spread disease and creating a myriad of related health and infrastructural problems.
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is a native of Amazon region of South America. The bulk of it is produced in the tropical areas of the African continent. There are over twenty (20) species in the genus but the cocoa tree Theobroma cacao is the only one cultivated widely.
Lead Ore Mining and Export in Nigeria; The Pre-Feasibility Report.
Lead is a main group element in the carbon group with the symbol Pb {Latin: plumbum} and atomic number 18. Lead is soft, malleable poor metal. It is also counted as one of the heavy metals.
Gypsum Mining, Gypsum Powder and Gypsum Board Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Gypsum is a hydrated sulphate of calcium, found usually in clays and limestone, sometimes associated with sulphur. It is the principal commercial form of hydrated calcium sulphate (CaSO42H2O). It is usually formed by either the evaporation of salt in shallow inland seas or by the decomposition of pyrite (FeS) in the presence of calcium carbonate.
Palm Oil Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.
Palm oil forms an important part of the local diet in Nigeria because animal fats such as milk and butter are hardly consumed. It is used both as a cooking material and as an ingredient in soups, sauces and a variety of local dishes.