Barge Leasing Business In Nigeria; The Pre-Feasibility Report.

Published - 27 May 2021| Analyst - Foraminifera Market Research Limited| Code - fora/2021/bargeleasi/13141

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Tank Barges are used to carry liquid commodity e,g Petroleum product , crude oil & bulk chemicals , Tanker barges are used where Tanker vessel have difficulty navigating .

They come as self – propelled or stand alone.
A stand alone barge will require the use of a Tugboat to pull It.

There are growing market opportunities for tanker Barge in Nigeria due to increased exploration and exploitation activities on Nigerian coastline and offshore requiring coastal vessels and operations. The carriage of materials or supply of services to and from oil rigs, oil platforms and installations and carriages of petroleum products between oil rigs, platforms and installations whether onshore or offshore or from port to port in Nigerian waters are reserved for vessels, tugs and barges.

The captivation of this lucrative shipping market opportunity is evident in the introduction of The CABOTAGE Act, this Acts intends to achieve the reservation of a significant part of the Nigerian coastal shipping business opportunity, particularly those existing in respect of the local carriage of petroleum product and all manner of shipping services between all Nigeria coastwise and offshore locations for Nigeria operators/ investors.

Indeed the CABOTAGE has open –up market opportunities for intending investors willing to invest in leasing of Tanker Barge.

This report aims at introducing the subject matter and provides a pre-feasibility on tanker vessel
Business in Nigeria

• Sector and industry analysis
• SWOT analysis
• Legal requirement
• Licensing and regulations
• Human resource requirement
• Financial analysis

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Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Executive Summary 2. Crucial factors & Steps in decision making for Investment 2.1 SWOT Analysis 2.11 Strength 2.12 Weakness 3.13Opportunities 3.14Threats 3 Project profile 3.1 Opportunity Rationale 3.2 Project Brief 3.3 Market Entry Timing 3.4 Proposed Legal Status 3.5 Proposed Tanker Barge capacity 3.6 Business Investment 3.7 Proposed Location 3.8 Recommended project parameters 4. Sector & Industrial Analysis 4.1 Sector Overview 4.2 Sector Characteristics 4.21Service Description 4.22 Service pricing 4.23Demand 4.24Threath to this industry 4.25Environmental & Protection Aspect NIMASA, DPR, NPA 2.26 Standard and compliance issue 2.27 Requirement for provisional license 5. Legal Requirement 6 Administrative Requirement 6.1 Office Equipment 6.2 Tools & Equipment 6.3 Furniture & Fixture 7. Humans Resource Requirement 7.1. Technical Crew 7.2 Administrative Staff 7.3 Experience 8. Financial Analysis 8.2 Projected Income Statement 8.3 Projected Balance Sheet 9. Projected cash flow 9.1 Assumptions/Basis for financial projection 9.2 Inflation 9.3 Revenue assumption 9.4 No of Charter/month 9.5 Depreciation 9.6 Duration of dry docking

Additional Info

Report Type:    feasibility report
Formats of Delivery:    ms word
No. of Pages:    30
Report Code:   fora/2021/bargeleasi/13141
Publisher:   Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Price:   ₦30,000
Release Date:   27 May 2021 Updated quarterly
Language:   English
Delivery time:   Within twenty-four (24) hours

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