How To Make Huge Profit Supplying Palm Kernel Nuts To Local Industries In Nigeria.

Published - 23 May 2021| Analyst - Foraminifera Market Research Limited| Code - fora/2021/howtomakeh/13175

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Palm kernel nut is that which is gotten from the cracking of the shell of palm kernel fruit after the palm oil has been extracted. Palm kernel nuts is use in the production of palm kernel oil and palm kernel cake which is used in the preparation of animal feed.

“Oils” is a collective term for more or less viscous, generally organic-chemical liquids. Depending on their chemical composition, a distinction may be drawn between fatty, essential, mineral and silicone oils. Fatty oils include liquid, semisolid and solid products of vegetable and animal origin. They are also known as sweet oils.

Palm kernel oil is a white to yellowish oil of vegetable origin which is solid at normal temperatures and is obtained from the kernels of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). It is one of the best oils. Palm kernel oil is different from palm oil, which is obtained from the flesh of the fruit.

Palm kernel oil is processed to yield edible fats, soaps and candles and is used in the confectionery, pharmaceutical and perfume industries.

The occurrence and distribution of palm kernel nut which is a bye-product in the production of palm oil can be gotten from any of the rainforest zone states to include Anambra, Oyo, Edo, Akwa-Ibom, Cross River, Osun, Ondo, Delta amongst others.

The market for palm kernel oil is national. With a population of over 165 million people and an estimated national population growth rate of 5.7% per annum ,an average economic growth rate of 3.5% per annum in the past five {5} years, Nigeria has a large market for palm kernel oil, hence palm kernel nuts.

The market for Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) is very large. About 80% of all the edible vegetable oil consumed in Nigeria is made from refined palm kernel oil.

The demand for palm kernel nuts is a reflection of the demand for palm kernel oil. The higher the demand for palm kernel oil the higher the demand for palm kernel nuts.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Executive Summary 1.2 Business Opportunity 1.3 Country Background 2. Technical Analysis 2.1 The Project 2.2 Product Description 2.3 Product Location and Distribution 2.4 Legal Considerations 3. Opportunity 3.1 Market Overview 3.2 Demand and Supply 3.3 Customer Profile 3.4 Primary Competition 4. Socio- Economic and SWOT Analysis of the Project 4.1.1 Generation of Employment 4.1.2 Source of Government Revenue 4.1.3 Foreign Exchange Generation 4.2 SWOT Analysis 5. Risk Identification and Mitigation Strategy 5.2 Critical Success Factor 6. Financial Analysis

Additional Info

Report Type:    feasibility report
Formats of Delivery:    ms word
No. of Pages:    16
Report Code:   fora/2021/howtomakeh/13175
Publisher:   Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Price:   ₦5,000
Release Date:   23 May 2021 Updated quarterly
Language:   English
Delivery time:   Within twenty-four (24) hours

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