Moisturizing Cream Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.

Published - 25 May 2021| Analyst - Foraminifera Market Research Limited| Code - fora/2021/moisturizi/13312

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Moisturizers are complex mixtures of chemical agents specially designed to make the external layers of the skin (epidermis) softer and more pliable. They increase the skin’s hydration (water content) by reducing evaporation.

Naturally occurring skin lipids and sterols, as well as artificial or natural oils, humectants, emollients, lubricants, etc., may be part of the composition of commercial skin moisturizers.

Moisturizers prevent and treat dry skin, protect sensitive skin, improve skin tone and texture, and mask imperfections. They are usually available as commercial products for cosmetic and therapeutic uses.

They can be used to prevent the skin from becoming too dry or oily. Moisturizing cream increases the skin’s ability to attract, hold and distribute moisture.

Creams are one of the most important daily consumables in every home. There is enormous demand for cream in Nigeria as every household make use of creams especially among women. Based on market research, the per capita consumption of moisturizing cream is 0.425 Litres and considering the estimated national population of one hundred and eighty million (180,000,000), the national demand for cream is estimated at 71.5 million litres per annum.

Moisturizing creams are supplied into the Nigeria market through both domestic production (mostly by the multinationals and some indigenous cottage, small and medium entrepreneurs) and importation.

The production capacity of the proposed plant is one thousand (1,000) L per day and would operate at eighty (80%) percent of the installed capacity and would operate for eight (8) hours per day in three hundred (300) working days per annum producing seven thousand, seven hundred (7,700) cartons of twenty (20) pieces of moisturizing creaming weighing two hundred and fifty grams (250 g) bi-monthly.

The plant would comprise of Motorized Stainless Homogenized Mixer, Filling Machine, Stainless Holding Tank, Stainless Pump, Working Table, Weighing Machine, Accessories, Generator, Project Vehicles and Wood Pallets.

The raw materials for production of moisturizing cream are Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Lenette AO Wax, Cocoa Butter, Mineral Oil, Prophyl Paraben, Allantoin, Escalol, Methyl Paraben, FD&C Yellow #5, FD&C Orange 11, Frangrance (Butter 11), Printed Plastic Container (250g) and Printed Carton.

This report seeks to examine the financial viability or otherwise of establishing a moisturizing cream production plant in Lagos, Nigeria.

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Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 Business Overview 1.1 Description of the Business 1.2 Vision and Mission Statement 1.3 Business Objective 1.4 Critical Success Factor of the Business 1.5 Current Status of Business 1.6 Description of the Business Industry 1.7 Contribution to Local and National Economy 2. Marketing Plan 2.1 Description of product 2.2 Product Packaging and delivery 2.3 The Opportunity 2.4 Pricing Strategy 2.5 Target Market 2.6 Distribution and Delivery Strategy 2.7 Promotional Strategy 2.8 Competition 3. Production Plan 3.1 Description of the Location 3.2 Raw Materials 3.3 Production Equipment 3.4 Production Process 3.5 Production Cost 3.6 Stock Control Process 3.7 Pre-Operating activities and expenses 3.7.1 Operating Activities and Expenses 3.8 Project Implementation Schedule 4.0 Organizational and Management Plan 4.1 Ownership of the business 4.2 Profile of the promoters 4.3 Key Management Staff 4.3.2 Management Support Units 4.4 Details of salary schedule 5. Financial Plan 5.1 Financial Assumption 5.2 Start -up Capital Estimation 5.3 Source of Capital 5.4 Security of Loan 5.5 Loan Repayment Plan 5.6 Profit and Loss Analysis 5.7 Cash Flow Analysis 5.8 Viability Analysis 6.0 Business Risk and mitigation factor 6.1 Business Risks 6.2 SWOT Analysis

Additional Info

Report Type:    pre- feasibility report
Formats of Delivery:    excel / ms word
No. of Pages:    text – 30 pages /excel – 6 pages
Report Code:   fora/2021/moisturizi/13312
Publisher:   Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Price:   ₦30,000
Release Date:   25 May 2021 Updated quarterly
Language:   English
Delivery time:   Within twenty-four (24) hours

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