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Feasibility Reports in Nigeria

Fluorspar Mining In Nigeria, The Pre-Feasibility Report

Nigeria is blessed with abundant mineral resources, which are from time immemorial formed the backbone of the n...

Report Type pre- feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats excel / ms word
No. Of Pages 39 pages (text part) / 6 pages ( excel part)
Report Code fora/2021/floursparm/13028
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How To Make Huge Profit Supplying Palm Kernel Nuts To Local Industries In Nigeria.

The Market palm kernel oil and palm kernel cake is huge, sustainable and expanding. The estimated size of the l...

Report Type feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats ms word
No. Of Pages 16
Report Code fora/2021/howtomakeh/13175
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Waste Polythene Material Recycling And Pelletisation In Nigeria; The Feasibility Re...

Recycling is an economic development tool as well as an environmental tool. Reuse, recycling, and waste reducti...

Report Type feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats ms word
No. Of Pages 38
Report Code fora/2021/wastepolyt/13051
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How To Make Huge Profit Supplying Soya Beans To Local Industries In Nigeria

Nigeria presently produces about 500,000 MT of Soybean annually making it the largest producer of the product o...

Report Type feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats ms word
No. Of Pages 14
Report Code fora/2021/howtomakeh/13204
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Cattle (Cow) Trading Business in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report

Cattle are commonly raised as livestock for meat (beef or veal, see beef cattle), for milk (see dairy cattle), ...

Report Type feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats excel / ms word
No. Of Pages text – 30 pages /excel – 6 pages
Report Code fora/2021/cattlecowt/13345
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Apple Importation, Storage And Distribution In Nigeria, The Feasibility Report.

The apple tree (Malus domestica) is a deciduous tree in the rose family best known for its sweet, pomaceous fru...

Report Type pre- feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats excel / ms word
No. Of Pages text - 34 pages /excel - 6 pages
Report Code fora/2021/appleimpor/13041
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Production Of Corn Flakes From Raw Maize In Nigeria, The Feasibility Report

Nigerian agriculture is characterized by considerable regional and crop diversity.  Analysis of this sector, p...

Report Type pre- feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats excel / ms word
No. Of Pages 36 pages (text part) / 6 pages ( excel part)
Report Code fora/2021/production/13036
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Bitumen Importation, Storage and Marketing in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.

Bitumen is a mixture of organic liquids that are highly viscous, black, sticky, entirely soluble in carbon disu...

Report Type pre- feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats excel / ms word
No. Of Pages text – 33 pages /excel – 6 pages
Report Code fora/2021/bitumenimp/13222
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Kulikuli Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.

Kuli-kuli is traditionally Hausa snack that is primarily made from peanuts. But today, “Kulikuli” has becom...

Report Type pre- feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats excel / ms word
No. Of Pages text – 29 pages /excel – 6 pages
Report Code fora/2021/kulikulipr/13323
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