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Feasibility Reports in Nigeria

Edible Mushroom Cultivation and Sales in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.

Edible mushrooms like Pleurotus are known to be among the largest of fungi. Mushrooms have been universally rec...

Report Type pre- feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats excel / ms word
No. Of Pages text – 27 pages /excel – 6 pages
Report Code fora/2021/ediblemush/13333
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Bone Meal Production In Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.

Animal feed are required for the proper development of livestock and depending on the type of livestock and the...

Report Type feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats ms word
No. Of Pages 31 pages
Report Code fora/2021/bonemealpr/13064
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Sorghum Malt Production in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.

Sorghum is increasingly being used as a substitute for more expensive and imported raw materials. A major porti...

Report Type pre- feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats excel / ms word
No. Of Pages text – 30 pages /excel – 6 pages
Report Code fora/2021/sorghummal/13254
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Haulage Of Manufactured Goods In Nigeria The Feasibility Report.

In Nigeria, One major achievement of the present civilian administration in the past fourteen (14) years as bee...

Report Type feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats ms word
No. Of Pages 30 pages
Report Code fora/2021/haulageofm/13130
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Paper Cup Production In Nigeria; The Feasibility Report

Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man. Widespread use of a written language would no...

Report Type pre- feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats ms word
No. Of Pages 35 pages
Report Code fora/2021/papercuppr/13047
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How To Make Huge Profit Supplying Unripe Plantain To Local Industries In Nigeria.

There is a great potential for the processing of plantain. It could be processed to food/foodstuffs such as bre...

Report Type feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats ms word
No. Of Pages 13
Report Code fora/2021/howtomakeh/13172
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Scrap Tyre Recycling In Nigeria; The Pre-Feasibility Report

In Nigeria, Every year thousands of tons of used plastic products and rubber products like worn tyres are aband...

Report Type pre- feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats pdf / ms word
No. Of Pages 40 pages (text part) / 6 pages ( excel part)
Report Code fora/2021/scraptyrer/13012
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Drinking Straw Production In Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.

Extensive market research has revealed that drinking straw is an everyday consumer goods used by everyone. Thus...

Report Type feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats ms word
No. Of Pages 30 pages
Report Code fora/2021/drinkingst/13124
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Garri, Peanut, Milk and Sugar Packaging and Sales in Nigeria; The Feasibility Report.

Gari, as commonly called in Nigeria, is a product derived from cassava and which Nigeria is the largest produce...

Report Type feasibility report
Publisher Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Language English
Formats excel / ms word
No. Of Pages text – 26 pages /excel – 6 pages
Report Code fora/2021/garripeanu/13334
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