Plastic Disposable Cup Production In Nigeria; The Feasibility Report

Published - 26 May 2021| Analyst - Foraminifera Market Research Limited| Code - fora/2021/plasticdis/13046

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Subtotal 50,000

Plastics and rubber sub-sectors are emerging industries with potential to play key roles in Nigeria’s manufacturing growth.

The plastic manufacturing sub-sector is currently fragmented with numerous small players creating a wide variety of plastics ranging all the way from PET bottles, cans to storage drums. Plastic manufacturers rely on the upstream petrochemical sector, primarily Eleme, and imports to provide them with the resin raw inputs.

Key drivers of the plastic industry in Nigeria are

• Packaging {Food, Processed Food, FMCG items and Cosmetics}
• Agriculture {Green Houses, Crop / Fruit Covers and Drip Irrigation}
• Infrastructure {Pipes (Gas, Water, Sewerage), Storage Tanks, Profiles and Decorative Item and Geosynthetics.

Disposable cups is one of the products that can be produced from Polypropylene (PP) resin. They are fast replacing conventional cups. Disposable cups are mainly used for food items and are made out of polypropylene or polystyrene sheets. Sheets having thickness 0.35 mm to 18 mm are used for these items in thermoforming machine.
The plastic cup of would have a top diameter of 70 mm , 180 ml Volume and weigh 3 grams.

Apart from being used at home, they also come in handy during parties, weddings, picnics and other functions and get -together. The major user of cups are the ice cream manufacturers and they have started using plastic cups instead of paper ones that were being used earlier.

The main advantage of these plastic cups is that they are completely leak proof. Plastic cups can be made up of different sizes and they can hold bulk material easily in comparison to the traditional paper cups.

The product are packaged in packs of one hundred {100} pcs wrapped in PP material and packaged in carton of 30 pieces each.

Listed below are some of the machines required for disposable cup production

one set of Single Layer PP/PS Sheet Extrusion Line
Automatic Cam Cup Thermoforming Machine
Auto loader
Air Cooling Chiller
Automatic Cup Stacker
Screw Air
Air Storage Tank
Manual Hydraulic Lifter and PP Round Cup Mold.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents: 1.0    Business Overview 1.1 Description of the Business 1.2 Vision and Mission Statement 1.3 Business Objective 1.4 Critical Success Factor of the Business 1.5 Current Status of Business 1.6 Description of the Business Industry 1.7 Contribution to Local and National Economy 2. Marketing Plan 2.1 Description of product 2.2 Product Packaging and delivery 2.3 The Opportunity 2.4 Pricing Strategy 2.5 Target Market 2.6 Distribution and Delivery Strategy 2.7 Promotional Strategy 2.8 Competition 3. Production Plan 3.1 Description of the Location 3.2 Raw Materials 3.3 Production Equipment 3.4 Production Process 3.5 Production Cost 3.6 Stock Control Process 3.7 Pre-Operating activities and expenses 3.7.1 Operating Activities and Expenses 3.8 Project Implementation Schedule 4.0 Organizational and Management Plan 4.1 Ownership of the business 4.2 Profile of the promoters 4.3 Key Management Staff 4.3.2 Management Support Units 4.4 Details of salary schedule 5. Financial Plan 5.1 Financial Assumption 5.2 Start -up Capital Estimation 5.3 Source of Capital 5.4 Security of Loan 5.5 Loan Repayment Plan 6.0 Business Risk and mitigation factor 6.1 Business Risks 6.2 SWOT Analysis

Additional Info

Report Type:    pre- feasibility report
Formats of Delivery:    ms word
No. of Pages:    44 pages
Report Code:   fora/2021/plasticdis/13046
Publisher:   Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Price:   ₦50,000
Release Date:   26 May 2021 Updated quarterly
Language:   English
Delivery time:   Within twenty-four (24) hours

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