Toothpick Production In Nigeria, The Feasibility Report

Published - 25 May 2021| Analyst - Foraminifera Market Research Limited| Code - fora/2021/toothpickp/13083

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Subtotal 50,000

Tooth Picks can be defined as one of the small instruments which are largely used to clean the tooth after taking the food. It is basically made by wooden are bamboo, but now a days there is scope of utilization of thermoform plastic to manufacture tooth picks.

The main consumers of toothpick are household, fast food centres, restaurants and hotels especially in urban and semi-urban areas. Besides, Individuals, households, Airlines and supermarkets also require toothpick in significant quantities. Imported toothpick has gained wide acceptance in the Nigerian market.

The market for toothpick is national. With a population of over 165 million people and an estimated national population growth rate of 5.7% per annum ,an average economic growth rate of 3.5% per annum in the past five {5} years, Nigeria has a large market for toothpick.
The demand for toothpick has been growing over the years, marked by the growing demand for fast food products. This is shown by the growth and remarkable performance of fast food restaurants in the local market.

The demand for toothpick in Nigeria is very high. This quantity doubles during holidays, vacations, weekends, summer season, and Ramadan.

Fast Food centre, restaurants and hotels constitute around 61% of the total market consumption. Before now all the products consumed in this country are all imported. With the ban on importation, opportunities have been created to local manufacturers and anybody can tap the opportunity.

The raw materials for making them are either wood or bamboo, plastic containers (with the company’s logo printed on the plastic container or printed labels). Bamboo culms 3-4 years old are selected. Species with very long internodes and relatively thin culm walls are ideal materials as their long internodes maximise the amount of useable wood available from each culm.

All these inputs can easily be obtained in the country, which is a great advantage to this project.

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Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0    Business Overview 1.1 Description of the Business 1.2 Vision and Mission Statement 1.3 Business Objective 1.4 Critical Success Factor of the Business 1.5 Current Status of Business 1.6 Description of the Business Industry 1.7 Contribution to Local and National Economy 2. Marketing Plan 2.1 Description of product 2.2 Product Packaging and delivery 2.3 The Opportunity 2.4 Pricing Strategy 2.5 Target Market 2.6 Distribution and Delivery Strategy 2.7 Promotional Strategy 2.8 Competition 3. Production Plan 3.1 Description of the Location 3.2 Raw Materials 3.3 Production Equipment 3.4 Production Process 3.5 Production Cost 3.6 Stock Control Process 3.7 Pre-Operating activities and expenses 3.7.1 Operating Activities and Expenses 3.8 Milestones 4.0 Organizational and Management Plan 4.1 Ownership of the business 4.2 Profile of the promoters 4.3 Key Management Staff 4.3.2 Management Support Units 4.4 Details of salary schedule 5. Financial Plan 5.1 Financial Assumption 5.2 Start up Capital Estimation 5.3 Source of Capital 5.4 Security of Loan 5.5 Loan Repayment Plan 5.6. Profit and Loss Account 5.7 Cash Flow Analysis 5.8 Viability Analysis 6.0 Business Risk and mitigation factor 6.1 Business Risks 6.2 SWOT Analysis

Additional Info

Report Type:    feasibility report
Formats of Delivery:    ms word/ excel
No. of Pages:    text part - 34 pages / financial part - 6 pages
Report Code:   fora/2021/toothpickp/13083
Publisher:   Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Price:   ₦50,000
Release Date:   25 May 2021 Updated quarterly
Language:   English
Delivery time:   Within twenty-four (24) hours

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