Vessel Chandling Business In Nigeria; The Feasibility Report

Published - 01 Jun 2021| Analyst - Foraminifera Market Research Limited| Code - fora/2021/vesselchan/13085

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As at today there are many vessels that come into Nigeria to trade and for business and based on size and specialization some of these vessels include:

(1) Container vessels (RORO vessels)
(2) Oil tankers (in this category the crude tankers are also inclusive)
(3) Barges (either the self propelled or those that have to be pulled)
(4) Tug boats
(5) Waste recovery vessels
(6) Dredgers
(7) Chemical tankers
(8) Fishing trawlers
(9) Bunkering vessels
(10) Other boats such as speed, banana boats etc

Irrespective of the type of vessel or tanker that has been mentioned above one thing is imperative that they would all need crew or in a lay man`s terms staff who would operate these tankers, manage them and use them to render services.

This vessel and staffs requires supplies like bunker fuel, fresh water, toiletries, fruits and this is where chandling comes in.

A ship chandler is a retail dealer who specializes in supplies or equipment for ships, known as ship’s stores. The job of a ship chandler is very unique because it caters specifically to only one line of business therefore allowing a complete exclusivity to both parties – the seller as well as the client. Because of this exclusivity and the nature of the profession, it so happens that each and every ship chandler is held in high esteem and regard.
This is an important area of the maritime industry and a sector with the fewest number of players whilst it is a gold mine which can generate a lot of income for the investor and government and the good thing about this business is that one can commence little or big depending on how one wants it done

This report highlights the following:

• Introduction to chandling
• How to go about chandling business in Nigeria
• Areas where you can capitalize in chandling business

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1.1 Executive Summary 1.2 Business Opportunity 1.3 Country Background 2. Technical Analysis 2.1 The Project 2.2 Product Description 2.3 Product Location and Distribution 2.4 Legal Considerations 3. Opportunity 3.1 Market Overview 3.2 Demand and Supply 3.3 Customer Profile 3.4 Primary Competition 4. Socio- Economic and SWOT Analysis of the Project 4.1.1 Generation of Employment 4.1.2 Source of Government Revenue 4.1.3 Foreign Exchange Generation 4.2 SWOT Analysis 5. Risk Identification and Mitigation Strategy 5.2 Critical Success Factor 6. Financial Analysis

Additional Info

Category:   ,
Report Type:   feasibility report
Formats of Delivery:   ms-word
No. of Pages:    21
Report Code:   fora/2021/vesselchan/13085
Publisher:   Foraminifera Market Research Limited
Price:   ₦20,000
Release Date:   01 Jun 2021 Updated quarterly
Language:   English
Delivery time:   Within twenty-four (24) hours

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